Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Saw something at my house plant????

Ya???? No???? Let me zoom in so u all can see it clearly....

Hehe.... A bird nest....
Anyway , this nest had been created by an unknown bird last few weeks....
When I back from school today , I heard some noices in the nest but didnt saw any birds at there.... xD
Went to see the nest by using a ladder and saw two chick inside the nest....
My mum said that she had heard that noise yesterday....
Guess it hatched yesterday....
Anyway.... Where's the male bird....
Didn't saw it before because mostly i just saw 1 bird in the nest....

Go online to search for the name or the bird....
It was called Yellow-vented Bulbul....
That's all for today....

The 2 chicks in the nest....

Yellow-vented Bulbul....
Took the picture from internet....

1 comment:

Ikyto keat said...

wah... nice.. got bird built nest in your house.. somemore lay eggs and hatch.. that's must be good fortune.. haha..